Case Law
Centre for Child Law Cases
South African Cases
African Cases
South African courts produce a number of judgments relating to the protection and advancement of children’s rights. The Centre is not always involved in cases but sees the importance of judgments coming of cases that it is not involved in. Here you will be provided with a link to a page that contains up to date judgments as well as an archived collection of judgments.
2009 Archive
Central Authority v B
Reference: 2009 (1) SA 624 (W)
Issue: International Abduction
Hendricks v Thompson
Reference: [2009] JOL 23016 (T)
Issue: Custody
Hoerskool Ermelo & another v Head, Department of Education, Mapumalanga & Others
Reference: 2009 (3) SA 422 (SCA) | [2009] JOL 23349 (SCA)
Issue: Determination of language policy
Johncom Media Investments Ltd v M and Others (Media Monitoring Project as amicus curiae)
Reference: 2009 (4) SA 7 (CC) | [2009] JOL 23343 (CC)
Issue: Media prohibited from printing names of children in divorce
proceedings in newspapers
Fish Hoek Primary School v Welcome
Reference: [2009] JOL 23458 (C) | 2009 (3) SA 36 (C)
Issue: Non-custodian parent liable for school fees
Van Zyl v Van Zyl
Reference: [2009] JOL 23583 (GNP)
Issue: Custody
Murphy v Family Advocate, Cape Town
Reference: [2009] JOL 23931 (C)
Issue: Wrongful retention of a baby
Mkoka v S
Reference: [2009] JOL 24007 (ECG)
Issue: Rights of children to parental care
Legal Aid Board v R and Another
Reference: 2009 (2) SA 262 (D)
Issue: Legal representation for children
S v Swartz
Reference: 2009 (1)SACR 452 (C)
Issue: Child witness
S v MBokhani
Reference: 2009 (1) SACR 533 (T)
Issue: Child victim of sexual offence
S v Vilakazi
Reference: 2009 (1) SACR 552 (SCA)
Issue: Minimum sentences
Flynn v Farr No and Others
Reference: 2009 (1) SA 584 (C)
Issue: Definition of adopted child
DPP, Transvaal V Minister of Jutsice and Constitutional Development, and Others
Reference: 2009 (4) 222 (CC)
Issue: Child witnesses; child victims and the CPA
AS v Vorster NO and others
Reference: 2009 (4) SA 108 (SE) |[2009] ZAECHC 26
Issue: Adoption-withdrawal of consent
Makhuvela obo Hempe v RAF
Reference: [2009] JOL 23697 (GSJ) | [2009] ZAGPJHC 18
Issue: Foster care grant
Katz v Katz
Reference: [2009] JOL 23557 (GSJ)
Issue: Relocation/variation of custody
S v Geldenhuys
Reference: 2009 (1) SACR 1 (SCA) | [2008] ZASCA 47 | [2008] 3 All SA 8 (SCA)
Issue: Sexual offences: age of consent
2008 Archive
MEC for Education, KZN and others v Pillay (Governing Body Foundation (1st amicus curiae), Natal Tamil Vedic Society Trust (2nd amicus curiae), Freedom from Expression Institute (3rd amicus curiae)
Reference: [2008] JOL 20810 (CC) | [2007] ZACC 21 | [2008] (1) SA 474 (CC); | [2008] (2) BCLR 99 (CC)
Issue: Religious and cultural practices
AD and another v DW and others, Centre for Child Law (amicus curiae); Dept of Social Development (intervening)
Reference: [2008] JOL 21203 (CC) | [2008 (4) BCLR 359 (CC) | [2007] ZACC 27 | 2008 (3) SA 183 (CC)
Issue: Adoption by foreign nationals
S v Sikhunana
Reference: [2008] JOL 21278 (E)
Issue: Theft by minor
Gerber v Gerber and Another
Reference: [2008] JOL 21304 (C) | [2007] ZAWCHC 65
Issue: Maintenance
Hepburn v Miller
Reference: [2008] JOL 21354 (W) | [2007] ZAGPHC 301
Issue: Custody
Blumenow v Blumenow
Reference: [2008] JOL 21382 (W)
Issue: Custody, best interests of the child
State v Mshumpa and Another
Reference: [2008] JOL 21411 (ELC) | [2007] ZAECHC 23
Issue: Killing an unborn child
Bestuursraad van Laerskool Sentraal, Kakamas v Van Kradenburg en ‘n Ander
Reference: [2008] JOL 21631 (NC) | [2008] ZANCHC 18
Issue: Payment of school fees, custody
Coetsee v Coetsee
Reference: [2008] JOL 21789 (T) | [2008] ZAGPHC 126
Issue: Custody
Joubert v Joubert
Reference: [2008] JOL 21929 (C)
Issue: Custody
S v Mokoena, S v Phaswane
Reference: [2005] JOL 21960 (T) | [2008] ZAGPHC 148
Issue: Criminal justice system and rights of children
Hardwick v Hardwick
Reference: [2008] JOL 21973 (N) | [2008] ZAKZHC 43
Issue: Custody
Moodley v Moodley
Reference: [2008] JOL 22100 (SE) | [2008] ZAKZHC 48
Issue: Interim custody
Central Authority for the RSA v Bronowicki
Reference: [2008] JOL 22278 (W) | [2009] (1) SA 624 (W) | [2008] ZAGPHC 261
Issue: International child abduction
Alberts v Alberts
Reference: [2008] JOL 22282 (T)
Issue: Custody
Mose (legal Guardian of Luzuko Mose) v Minister of Education, Provincial Government of the Western Cape, Garu and Others
Reference: [2008] JOL 22623 (C) | [2008] ZAWCHC 56 | 2009 (2) SA 408 (C)
Issue: Expulsion from school
Lothian v Valentine
Reference: [2008] JOL 22678 (ZH) | [2007] ZWHHC 78
Issue: Guardianship
Centre for Child Law v Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development and Others
Reference: [2008] JOL 22687 (T) | [2009] ZACC 18 | [2009] (2) SACR 477 (CC) | [2009] (6) SA 632 (CC) | [2009] (11) BCLR 1105 (CC)
Issue: Minimum sentencing of minors
M v S (Centre for Child Law as Amicus Curiae)
Reference: [2008] (5) BCLR 475 (CC) | [2007] ZACC 18 | [2008] (3) SA 232 (CC)
Issue: Best interests of the child, sentencing the primary care giver
J v J
Reference: 2008 (6) SA 30 (CC) | [2008] ZAWCHC 27
Issue: Custody
Fosi v RAF and Another
Reference: 2008 (3) SA 560 (CC) | [2007] ZAWCHC 8
Issue: Duty of child to support parent in terms of customary law
S v Mokoena
Reference: 2008 (5) SA 578 (T) | [2009] ZAFSHC 135
Issue: Child witnesses
2007 Archive
Stemmet v Stemmet
Reference: 2006 JDR 0126 (T) | [2007] JOL 18938 (T)
Issue: Access
Kleingeld v Heunis
Reference: [2007] (5) SA 559 (T) | [2007] JOL 18983 (T)
Issue: Access
De Beer v De Beer
Reference: [2006] JDR 1046 (T) | [2007] JOL 18954 (T)
Issue: Custody
Steyn v Hofmänner
Reference: [2007] JOL 19006 (C)
Issue: Rights of the father
Central Authority v Houwert
Reference: [2007] JOL 19233 (T) | [2008] (1) SA 49 (SCA)
Issue: Abduction
Wessels and another v Wessels
Reference: [2007] JOL 19295 (T)
Issue: Maintenance
Potgieter v Potgieter
Reference: [2007] JOL 19597 (SCA) | [2007] 3 All SA 9 (SCA)
Issue: Custody
Beckford v Beckford
Reference: [2008] JDR 0070 (ZH) | [2007] JOL 19623 (ZH)
Issue: Custody
Hoerskool Ermelo en ‘n Ander v Departementshoof, Mpumalanga Departement van Onderwys en Andere
Reference: [2007] JOL 19629 (T)
Issue: Language in schools
Kalimashe v Macanda
Reference: [2007] JOL 19765 (E) | [2007] 4 All SA 883 (E)
Issue: Custody and the best interests of the Child
De Gree and another v Webb and Others (Centre for Child Law as amicus curiae)
Reference: [2007] (5) SA 184 (SCA) | [2007] JOL 20023 (SCA)
Issue: International adoption
Central Authority v Van Hanxleden Houwert
Reference: 2007 JDR 0451 (SCA) | [2007] JOL 20032 (SCA)
Issue: Child abduction
Mtshingwe v Moyo
Reference: [2007] JOL 20114 (ZH)
Issue: Paternity disputes
Tame v Tame and Others
Reference: [2007] JDR 0880 (T) | [2007] JOL 20647 (T)
Issue: Custody
Family Advocate v B
Reference: [2007] 1 All SA 602 (SE)
Issue: Abduction
Family advocate, Port Elizabeth v Hide
Reference: [2007] 3 All SA 248 (SE)
Issue: Abduction
Ex Parte Leask and Others
Reference: [2007] 4 All SA 1018 (D)
Issue: Adoption
Forssmen v Forssmen
[2007] 4 All SA 1145 (SCA) | [2008] (2)SA 144 (W) | [2007] ZAGPHC 156
Issue: Maintenance
M v S (Centre for child law: amicus curiae)
Reference: [2007] (12) BCLR 1312 (CC) | [2007] (2) SACR 539 (CC)
Issue: Sentencing a primary caregiver and the best interests of the child
S v H
Reference: 2007 (3) SA 330 (C)
Issue: International abduction
P v P
Reference: 2007 (5) SA 94 (SCA)
Issue: Custody
De Gree and Another v Webb and others (Centre for child law as Amicus Curiae)
Reference: 2007 (5) SA 184 (SCA)
Issue: Inter – country adoption
Central Authority (SA) v A
Reference: [2007] (5) SA 501 (W)
Issue: International abduction
F v F
Reference: 2007 (3) SA 42 (SCA)
Issue: Relocation
2006 Archive
S v Meje and others
Reference: [2006] JOL 16020 (E)
Issue: Child offender
Brown v Stone / B v S
Reference: [2005] JOL 16286 (SCA) | [2006] 4 All SA 515 (SCA) | [2005] JDR 1438 (SCA)
Issue: Access in foreign country
Senior Family Advocate, Cape Town and another v Houtman
Reference: [2006] JOL 16644 (C) | [2004] (6) SA 274 (C)
Issue: Abduction
Ford v Ford
Reference: [2006] JOL 16676 (W)
Issue: Relocation of minor
Radebe v S
Reference: [2006] JOL 16688 (T)
Issue: Minimum sentence applied to minor
Smit v Malan
Reference: 2005 JDR 0690 (T) | [2006] JOL 16715 (T)
Issue: Access
S v Dyomfana
Reference: [2006] JOL 16735 (Tk)
Issue: Criminal prosecution of a minor
S v Khumalo
Reference: [2006] JDR 0147 (T) | [2006] JOL 16890 (T)
Issue: Assault by minor
Tilo v S
Reference: [2006] (2) SACR 266 (NC) | [2006] JOL 16948 (NC)
Issue: Custody
Family Advocate, Cape Town and Another v Chirome aka Munyuki
Reference: [2006] JOL 17112 (C)
Issue: International child abduction
Boekmke v McGreger / B v M
Reference: [2006] JOL 17154 (W) | [2006] 3 All SA 109 (W) | [2006] (9) BCLR 1034 (W)
Issue: Relocation, custody
Lombard v Lombard
Reference: [2006] JOL 17210 (SE)
Issue: Maintenance
De Gree and Another v Webb and Others
Reference: [2006] (6) SA 51 (W) | [2006] JOL 17223 (W)
Issue: Inter-country adoption
94.7 Highveld Stereo v Olivier and Another
Reference: [2006] JOL 17272 (BCCSA)
Issue: Protection of children
Botha v Botha
Reference: [2006] (4) SA 144 (SCA) | [2006] JOL 17473 (T)
Issue: Access and custody
Lindsay v Otten
Reference: [2006] JOL 17489 (N)
Issue: Maintenance
S v Nkosi
Reference: [2006] JOL 17717 (T)
Issue: Theft by minor
S v Valtein and Another
Reference: [2006] JOL 17752 (E)
Issue: Child offender
Pillay v Kwa-Zulu Natal MEC of Education, Cronje and Others
Reference: [2006] JOL 17833 (N) | [2006] (10) BCLR 1237 (W)
Issue: Discrimination
Jansen v Jansen
Reference: [2006] JOL 17978 (T)
Issue: Custody
Ndaba v Ndaba
Reference: [2006] JOL 17986 (T)
Issue: Custody
Family Advocate v Bailie
Reference: [2006] JOL 18610 (SE)
Issue: International abduction
Rosen v Havenge
Reference:[2006] 4 All SA 199 (C)
Issue: Custody and access
Seodin Primary School and Others v MEC for Education Northern Cape and Others
Reference: [2006] 1 All SA 154 (NC) | 2006 (4) BCLR 542 (NC)
Issue: Language in Schools
Reference: [2006] (3) SA 515 (SCA)
Issue: Child offender
B v S
Reference: [2006] (5) SA 42 (SCA)
Issue: International abduction
S v B
Reference: [2006] (1) SACR 311 (SCA)
Issue: Minimum sentences -16 and 17 year olds
S v Koralev and Another
Reference: 2006 (2) SACR 298 (N)
Issue: Child pornography
S v Mojaki
Reference: [2006] (2) SACR 590 (T)
Issue: Childrens court enquiry
2005 Archive
Taljaard v Fuchs
Reference: [2005] JOL 13199 (T)
Issue: Access
L v L
Reference: [2005] JOL 13310 (W)
Issue: Custody
S v Mhlawuli and Others
Reference: [2005] JOL 13525 (TK)
Issue: Sentencing of child offenders
S v Ross
Reference: [2005] JOL 13739 (E)
Issue: Maintenance obligation
S v Slamdill
Reference: [2005] JOL 13780 (E)
Sentencing, reform school
Ngcobo and Another v S
Reference: Ngcobo and Another v S
Issue: Murder by minors
S v Monkayi
Reference: [2005] JOL 14003 (E)
Issue: Sentencing
Fraser v S
Reference: [2005] JOL 14045 (SCA)
Issue: Kidnapping by biological father
S v Mbikwa
Reference: [2005] JOL 14076 (E)
Issue: Sentencing
Ex parte Van Niekerk and another: In re Van Niekerk v Van Niekerk
Reference: [2005] JOL 14218 (T)
Issue: Access
S v Moyakhe and Another
Reference: [2005] JOL 14361 (E)
Issue: Assault
S v S
Reference: [2005] JOL 14428 (T)
Issue: Incest, custody
S v M and another
Reference: [2005] JOL 14493 (T)
Issue: Shoplifting by minors
S v M
Reference: [2005] JOL 144543 (T)
Issue: Housebreaking
S v Davids
Reference: [2005] JOL 14626 (E)
Issue: Law relating to children
Honi v RAF
Reference: [2005] JOL 14789 (E)
Issue: Motor collision involving a minor
S v Mathebula
Reference: [2005] JOL 14806 (T)
Issue: Sentencing
Laubuschagne v Laubuschagne
Reference: [2005] JOL 14865 (E)
Issue: Custody
Martizburg College v Dlamini NO and Others
Reference: [2005] JOL 15075 (N)
Issue: Expulsion
Clark v Clark
Reference: [2005] JOL 15108 (D)
Issue: Custody
Kahn v Kahn
Reference: [2005] JOL 15142 (T)
Issue: Access
S v Masibi
Reference: [2005] JOL 15159 (T)
Issue: Access
Rosen v Havenga and Another
Reference: [2005] JOL 15235 (C)
Issue: Access, sole custody and Guardianship, legal representative for the child
S v Malungana
Reference: [2005] JOL 15254 (T)
Issue: Sentencing of children
Rovetto v Walter-Rovetto
Reference: [2005] JOL 15303 (T)
Issue: Abduction
S v Ncula
Reference: [2005] JOL 15361 (E)
Issue: Drug dealing
S v Hlam and Another
Reference: [2005] JOL 15455 (TK)
Issue: Unlawful possession of a fire arm by a minor
Memela v Memela
Reference: [2005] JOL 15469 (TK)
Issue: Custody
S v Ndlovu
Reference: [2005] JOL 15604 (T)
Issue: Child offenders
Omar v Government of South Africa
Reference: [2005] 2 All SA 65 (N)
Issue: Domestic violence
Brandt v S
Reference: [2005] 1 All SA 1 (SCA)
Issue: Sentencing of child offenders
Governing Body Mikro Primary School and Another v Minister of Education, Western Cape and Others
Reference: [2005] JOL 13716 (C) | [2005] 2 All SA 37 (C)
Issue: Education
S v Frazer
Reference: 2005 (1) SACR 455 (SCA)
Issue: Kidnapping
S v Manqaba
Reference: [2005] (2) SACR 489 (W)
Issue: Child witnesses
Eskom Holdings LTD v Hendricks
Reference: [2005] (5) 503 (SCA)
Issue: Child criminal capacity
Centre for Child Law and Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Others
Reference: [2005] (6) SA 50 (T)
Issue: Lindela case, unaccompanied foreign minors
R v H and Another
Reference: [2005] (6) SA 535 (C)
Issue: Access by non-custodial parent
2004 Archive
Esterhuizen v Fouche
Reference: [2004] JOL 12405 (T)
Issue: Custody
Laubscher v Laubscher
Reference: [2004] JOL 12451 (T)
Issue: Access
S v Bhembe
Reference: [2004] JOL 12604 (T)
Issue: Assault by a minor
S v Woniwe
Reference: [2004] JOL 12050 (C)
Issue: Rape or consensual sex with a minor
Ford v Ford
Reference: [2004] JOL 12665 (W) | [2004] 2 All SA 396 (W)
Issue: Custody, relocation
Tyler and Another v Tyler and others
Reference: [2004] JOL 12703 (NC)
Issue: Custody
S v Bhogwana and Another
Reference: [2004] JOL 12833 (TK)
Issue: Theft
Christian Lawyers’ Association v National Minister of Health and Others
Reference: [2004] JOL 12853 (T)
Issue: Abortion
Joubert v Joubert
Reference: [2004] JOL 12900 (T)
Issue: Custody, relocation
S v Mongwe
Reference: [2004]JOL 12977 (T)
Issue: Contempt of court by a child offender
Brandt v S
Reference: [2004] JOL 13262 (SCA)
Issue: Murder by a minor
Peterson v Maintenance Officer
Reference: [2004] 1 All SA 117 (C)
Issue: Maintenance
Townsend-Turner and Another v Marrow
Reference: [2004] 1 All SA 235 (C)
Issue: Access to grandchildren
Brown v Abrahams and Others
Reference: [2004] (4) BCLR 348 (C)
Issue: Abduction
Governing body, Gene Louw Primary School v Roodtman
Reference: [2004] (1) SA 45 (CC)
Issue: School fees
S v Z and 23 Similar Cases
Reference: [2004] (1) SACR 400 (E)
Issue: Lack of reform schools – detaining children awaiting trial
De Reuck v DPP, Witwatersrand Local Division and Others
Reference: [2004] (1) SA 406 (CC)
Issue: Child pornography
Pennello v Pennello
Reference: [2004] (3) SA 100 (N)
Issue: International Abduction
Senior Family Advocate, Cape Town and Another v Houtman
Reference: [2004] (6) SA 274 (CC)
Issue: International Abduction
2003 Archive
S v Sikhosana
Reference: [2003] JOL 10457 (T)
Issue: Rights of a minor accused
Domingo v S
Reference: [2003] JOL 10502 (C) | [2003] (2) BCLR 213 (C)
Issue: Assault on a minor by the minors father
Myburgh v Myburgh
Reference: [2003] JOL 10545 (E)
Issue: Maintenance, reasonable needs of the child
Talbot v Cleverly and Another
Reference: [2003] JOL 10608 (W) | [2003] 1 All SA 640 (W)
Issue: Illegitimate child and the rights of the father
Galante v Galante
Reference: [2003] JOL 10667 (ZH)
Issue: Custody
Nyamimba v S
Reference: [2003] JOL 10677 (ZH)
Issue: Rape of a minor
Pennello v Pennello
Reference: [2003] JOL 10725 (N) | [2003] 1 All SA 716 (N)
Issue: Custody, abduction
Rudolph v Van Zyl
Reference: [2003] JOL 10893 (T)
Issue: Rights of access
Roels v Roels
Reference: [2003] JOL 10910 (C)
Issue: Maintenance
Nortje v S
Reference: [2003] JOL 10938 (ZH)
Issue: Child pedestrian, drivers duty of care
Jere v Chitsunge
Reference: [2003] JOL 10941 (ZH)
Issue: Custody
S v Jantjies
[2003] JOL 10981 (E)
Issue: Child abandonment
S v Gumede
Reference: [2003] JOL 11007 (ZH)
Issue: Fining a child offenders
S v Sontlaba
Reference: [2003] JOL 11023 (TK)
Issue: Murder by minor
Krugel v Krugel
Reference: [2003] JOL 11028 (T)
Issue: Custody
S v Mdibaniso and Another
Reference: [2003] JOL 11078 (E)
Issue: Theft by a minor
S v Potse
Reference: [2003] JOL 11151 (O)
Issue: Rape of an infant
Van der Berg v Le Roux
Reference: [2003] JOL 11154 (NC) | [2003] 3 All SA 599 (NC)
Issue: Custody
Gumede v S
Reference: [2003] JOL 11186 (SCA)
Issue: Rape of and testamentary by a minor
S v Milo
Reference: [2003] JOL 11328 (T)
Issue: Rape of a minor
S v Prins
Reference: [2003] JOL 11418 (C)
Issue: Abandonment of children
S v Mabujani and others
Reference: [2003] JOL 11453 (E)
Issue: Sentencing minors
Kotze v Kotze
Reference: [2003] JOL 11479 (T)
Issue: Custody, religion
S v Mathebule
Reference: [2003] JOL 11494 (T)
Issue: Theft by minor
S v Senyolo and Another
Reference: [2003] JOL 11520 (T)
Issue: Sentencing
Olwagen v Olwagen
Reference: [2003] JOL 11541 (SE)
Issue: Custody
Mdluli v S
Reference: [2003] JOL 11653 (N)
Issue: Duty of child maintenance
Ntuli v Zulu and Others
Reference: [2003] JOL 11654 (N)
Issue: Custody
Mpengu v S
Reference: [2003] JOL 11656 (E)
Issue: Rape and incest by minor
Du Preez v S
Reference: [2003] JOL 11734 (E)
Issue: Maintenance
Qoza v Qoza
Reference: [2003] JOL 11786 (TK)
Issue: Maintenance
S v Zuba + 23 similar cases
Reference:[2003] JOL 11973 (E) | 2004 (4) BCLR 410 (E)
Issue: Sentencing of child offenders
S v Pilusa
Reference: [2003] JOL 12031 (T)
Issue: Rights of minor accused
Townsend-Turner and Another v Morrow
Reference: [2003] JOL 12035 (C)
Issue: Grandparents right to access
Katedza v Chunga and Another
Reference: [2003] JOL 12040 (ZH)
Issue: Rights of the father
Hay v Brown and Others
Reference: [2003] JOL 12167 (W)
Issue: Refusal by parents to grant blood transfusion
S v Mhaqa and Another
Reference: [2003] JOL 12193 (TK)
Issue: Unrepresented youth offenders
Pennello v Pennello and Another
Reference: [2003] JOL 12205 (SCA) | 2004 (3) BCLR 243 (SCA)
Issue: Abduction
Kwenamore v S
Reference: [2003] JOL 12216 (SCA)
Issue: Housebreaking by a minor
S v Rayi
Reference: [2003] JOL 12339 (E)
Issue: Sentencing
Jappie v Cooper
Reference: [2003] JOL 12375 (W)
Issue: Guardianship
S v Nkosi
Reference: [2003] JOl 12399 (T)
Issue: Unlawful possession of ammunition by a minor
Bannatyne v Bannatyne and Another
Reference: [2003] (2) BCLR 111 (CC)
Issue: Right of children to parental care
S v B
Reference: 2003 (1) SA 552 (SCA)
Issue: Child witness
S v Kondile
Reference: [2003] (2) SACR 510 (CC)
Issue: Child witness
Du Toit and Another v Minister of Welfare and Population Development and others (lesbian and Gay Equality Project as Amicus Curiae)
Reference: [2003] (2) SA 198 (CC)
Issue: Adoption-same sex couple
T v C and Another
Reference: 2003 (2) SA 298 (W)
Issue: Adoption – Notice to natural father
Chief Family Advocate and Another v G
Reference: [2003] (2) SA 599 (W)
Issue: International Abduction
De Reuck v DPP, Witwatersrand Local Division and Others
Reference: [2003] (3) SA 389 (W)
Issue: Child pornography
Kotze v Kotze
Reference: [2003] (3) SA 628 (T)
Issue: Child’s right to freedom of religion vs parent’s right to choose a child’s religion
Laerskool Middelburg en ‘n Ander v Department Hoof, Mpumalanga Departement van Onderwys, Andere
Reference: [2003] (4) SA 160 (T)
Issue: Right to education
DPP, KZN v Mekka
Reference: 2003 (4) SA 275 (SCA)
Issue: Child witness
Soller NO v G and Another
Reference: [2003] (5) SA 430 (W)
Issue: Legal representation for children
J and Another v D-G, Dept of Home Affairs, and Others
Reference: [2003] (5) SA 605 (D)
Issue: Registration of child born out wedlock-same sex couple
2002 Archive
Jackson v Jackson
Reference: [2002] JOL 9229 (A)
Issue: Custody
Schlaphoff v Dunn
Reference: [2002] JOL 9279 (SE)
Issue: Custody
Heystek v Heystek
Reference: [2002] JOL 9297 (T) | [2002] 2 All SA 22 (C)
Issue: Maintenance of step children
Campos v S
Reference: [2002] JOL 9361 (A)
Issue: Murder of a child
Swarts v Swarts and Others
Reference: [2002] JOL 9381 (T) | [2002] 3 All SA 55 (T)
Issue: Removal of child to place of safety
Narodien v Andrew
Reference: [2002] JOL 9420 (C)
Issue: Variation of protection order, custody
S v Sengani
Reference: [2002] JOL 9561 (T)
Issue: Assault by a child
Munukwa v S
Reference: [2002] JOL 9585 (ZH)
Issue: Sentencing of child offenders
S v Booysen
Reference: [2002] JOL 9610 (NC)
Issue: Trial of a minor
S v Van Rooyen
Reference: [2002] JOL 9613 (CC)
Issue: Sentencing of child offenders
Grobbelaar v Grobbelaar
Reference: [2002] JOL 9617 (T)
Issue: Maintenance, private school
S v Kheswa
Reference: [2002] JOL 9629 (T)
Issue: Child abuse
S v Nkosi
Reference: [2002] JOL 9731 (T)
Issue: Child offenders
Reinach v Carstens
Reference: [2002] JOL 9877 (T)
Issue: Access to children, emigration
Uys v Uys
Reference: [2002] JOL 10011 (T)
Issue: Custody
S v Nkumbule
Reference: [2002] JOL 10031 (T)
Issue: Sentencing juveniles
Musasa v S
Reference: [2002] JOL 10072 (ZH)
Issue: Credibility of a child witness
S v Pako
Reference: [2002] JOL 10105 (T)
Issue: Criminal capacity of a minor
Meyers v Meyers
Reference: [2002] JOL 10333 (SE)
Issue: Maintenance
S v Chuma and Another
Reference: [2002] JOL 10415 (T)
Issue: Minors gambling
Ex Parte Oppel and Another
Reference: [2002] 2 All SA 8 (C)
Issue: Application of a curator ad litem
Belo v Commissioner for Child Welfare
Reference: [2002] 3 All SA 286 (W)
Issue: Adoption
Treatment Action Campaign and Others v Minister of Health and Others
Reference: 2002 (4) BCLR 356 (T)
Issue: Access to health services, mother to child transmission of HIV
Treatment Action Campaign and Others v Minister of Health and Others (1)
Reference: 2002 (10) BCLR 1033 (CC)
Issue: Access to health services, mother to child transmission of HIV
Andrews v Narodien
Reference: 2002 (1) SACR 336 (CC)
Issue: Access to child: Domestic Violence
Swarts v Swarts en Andere
Reference: [2002] (3) SA 451 (T)
Issue: Form 4 removal
P and Another v P and Another
Reference: 2002 (6) SA 105 (N)
Issue: Relocation: Child living with uncle and aunt who wish to relocate; biological parents object
S v Ngobese and Others
Reference: 2002 (1) SACR 562 (W)
Issue: Child offender- criminal capacity – proof of doli capax
2001 Archive
CASES 2001
Hingeston v Lightfoot
Reference: [2001] JOL 7653 (ZS)
Issue: Education
S v Pedro
Reference: [2001] JOL 7701 (C)
Issue: Sentencing a minor
S v Sikhumba
Reference: [2001] JOL 7763 (TK)
Issue: Assessment of child witnesses
Peterson and Another v S
Reference: [2001] JOL 7775 (C) | [2001] 2 All SA 349 (A)
Issue: Sentencing of youth offenders
Heynike v Roets
Reference: [2001] JOL 7821 (C) | [2001] 2 All SA 79 (C)
Issue: Custody and the emigration of the custodian
Van Rooyen v Van Rooyen
Reference: [2001] JOL 7826 (T) | [2001] 2 All SA 37 (T)
Issue: Custody to same sex couple
S v Katu
Reference: [2001] JOL 7852 (EC)
Issue: Sentencing of youth offender
Latouf v Latouf
Reference: [2001] JOL 7881 (T) | [2001] 2 All SA 377 (T)
Issue: Custody
S v Teyise
Reference: [2001] JOL 7918 (CK)
Issue: Sentencing of youth offender
Smith v Smith
Reference: [2001] JOL 8055 (A) | [2001] 3 All SA 146 (A)
Issue: Custody
Lubbe v du Plessis
Reference: [2001] JOL 8220 (C)
Issue: Custody
S v Mgxaboyi
Reference: [2001] JOL 8241 (TK)
Issue: Minor accused
S v Ngubo
Reference: [2001] JOL 8258 (TK)
Issue: Minor accused
S v Morrie
Reference: [2001] JOL 8262 (E)
Issue: Child offender
Harris v Minister of Education
Reference: [2001] JOL 8310 (T) | 2001 (8) BCLR 796 (T)
Issue: Age of admission to school
S v Banda
Reference: [2001] JOL 8352 (ZH)
Issue: Abortion
Makuni v Makuni
Reference: [2001] JOL 8357 (ZH)
Issue: Custody
S v Nzara
Reference: [2001] JOL 8529 (ZH)
Issue: Rape of minor where the accused was HIV positive
S v Chibate
Reference: [2001] JOL 8539 (ZH)
Issue: Concealment of the birth of a child
Brandt v Brandt
Reference: [2001] JOL 8644 (C)
Issue: Duty to maintain child
S v Maqungo
Reference: [2001] JOL 8999 (TK)
Issue: Theft by a minor
Mendela v Mendela
Reference: [2001] JOL 9020 (TK)
Issue: Custody
Joubert and Another v Jacobs
Reference: [2001] JOL 9024 (SE)
Issue: Custody
S v Botha
Reference: [2001] All SA 527 (E)
Issue: Arrears in child maintenance
S v Blaau
Reference: [2001] (2) SACR 255 (CC)
Issue: Minimum sentence – Semble
on 16 and 17 year olds
Sonderup v Tondelli and Another
Reference: 2001 (1) SA 1171 (CC)
Issue: International Abduction
Schutte v Jacobs (nr1)
Reference: [2001] (2) SA 470 (W)
Issue: Relocation
H v R
Reference: [2001] (3) SA 623 (CC)
Issue: Relocation
Metiso v Padongelukfonds
Reference: [2001] (3) SA 1142 (T)
Issue: Adoption- customary law
2000 Archive
Christian Education SA v Minister of Education of the Government of the Republic of South Africa
Reference: [2000] JOL 5892 (SE) | [1999] (9) BCLR 951 (SE)
Issue: Corporal punishment
Hingeston v Lightfoot
Reference: [2000] JOL 5900 (ZH)
Issue: Maintenance of children
Jooste v Botha
Reference: [2000] JOL 5943 (T) | [2000] (2) BCLR 187 (T)
Issue: Duty to love, parental duty
S v Daniels
Reference: [2000] JOL 6150 (C)
Issue: Abandonment of children
Fitzpatrick and Others v Minister of Social Welfare and Pensions
Reference: [2000] JOL 6250 (C) | [2000] 1 ALL SA 581 (C)
Issue: Adoption
S v Sohlezi
Reference: [2000] JOL 6256 (NC)
Issue: Failure to pay maintenance
Crone v Crone
Reference: [2000] JOL 6395 (ZS)
Issue: Maintenance
Hardy v Skaramangas
Reference: [2000] JOL 6446 (ZH)
Issue: Custody
Goto v Goto
Reference: [2000] JOL 6472 (ZH)
Issue: Custody
S v Uys
Reference: [2000] JOL 6482
Issue: Maintenance
Hughson and Another v Greyling
Reference: [2000] JOL 6608 (ZH)
Issue: Custody
Minister for Welfare and Population Development v Fitzpatrick and others
Reference: [2000] JOL 6689 (CC) | 2000 (2) BCLR 713 (CC)
Issue: Adoption
S v Buys
Reference: [2000] JOL 7031 (T)
Issue: Rape of a minor
Schutte v Jacobs
Reference: [2000] JOL 7099 (W)
Issue: Custody
S v Mauk
Reference: [2000] JOL 7107 (W)
Issue: Incest and rape of a minor
Faram v Faram
Reference: [2000] JOL 7179 (ELC)
Issue: Custody
Smith v Goddard
Reference: [2000] JOL 7202 (N)
Issue: Custody, challenge to the maternal preference rule
Christian Education South Africa v Minister of Education
Reference: [2000] JOL 7320 (CC)| [2000] (10) BCLR 1051 (CC)
Issue: Corporal punishment
S v Pono
Reference: [2000] JOL 7423 (CK)
Issue: Trial of a minor
Allsop v McCann
Reference: [2000] 3 All SA 475 (C)
Issue: Education
S v Baloyi
Reference: [2000] (1) BCLR 86 (CC)
Issue: Family violence
S v K
Reference: [2000] (4) BCLR 405 (NMS)
Issue: Cautionary rule
Van Tonder v Van Tonder
Reference: 2000 (1) SA 529 (O)
Issue: Custody-removal of child by non-custodial parent
Patel and Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Another
Reference: [2000] (2) SA 343 (D)
Issue: Right to parental care
I v S
Reference: [2000] (2) SA 993 (CC)
Issue: Access: child’s views
Reference: [2000] (4) SA 104 (CC)
Issue: International abduction
S v Nkosi En ‘N Ander
Reference: [2000] (2) SACR 94 (T)
Issue: Child offender – sentence
1999 Archive
Critchfield v Critchfield
Reference: [1999] JOL 4325 (W) | [1999] 1 All SA 319 (W)
Issue: Custody
King v Dengo
Reference: [1999] JOL 4469 (SH)
Issue: Sex with a minor
S v Zingela, Gelebe, Nyila, Magi, Mngomezulu and Another
Reference: [1999] JOL 4536 (E)
Issue: Theft by minor
Bentley and Another v McPherson
Reference: [1999] JOL 4563 (EC) | [1999] 2 All SA 89 (E)
Issue: Kidnapping
Murray v S
Reference: [1999] JOL 4571 (W)
Issue: Failure to pay maintenance
Kirsh v Kirsh
Reference: [1999] JOL 4642 (C)
Issue: Failure to pay maintenance
Kilian v S
Reference: [1999] JOL 4643 (T)
Issue: Failure to pay maintenance
S v Majiet
Reference: [1999] JOL 4651 (C)
Issue: Maintenance
Bursey v Bursey and another
Reference: [1999] JOL 4717 (A) | [1999] 2 All SA 289
S v Marema and Others
Reference: [1999] JOL 4807 (T)
Issue: Sentencing of minors
Van Tonder v Van Tonder
Reference: [1999] JOL 4958 (O)
Issue: Custody
Mukheiber v Raath and Another
Reference: [1999] JOL 5009 (A) | [1999] 3 All SA 490 (A)
Issue: Wrongful birth
Bebb v Bebb
Reference: [1999] JOL 5102 (SE)
Issue: Custody
Bruckner v Bruckner and Another
Reference: [1999] JOL 5108 (SE) | [1998] 3 All SA 544 (C)
Issue: Access
Mavis (a child offender) v S
Reference: [1999] JOL 5182 (ZH)
Issue: Arrest
S v Zitha and Others
Reference: [1999] JOL 5235 (W)
Issue: Rape of a minor
S v Frieslaar
Reference: [1999] JOL 4755 (C)
Issue: Maintenance
Smith v Smith
Reference: [1999] JOL 5397 (C)
Issue: Hague Convention
S v Chauke and Another
Reference: [1999] JOL 5475 (T)
Issue: Theft by a minor
Pearson High School v Head of the Department, Eastern Cape Province and Others
Reference: [1999] JOL 5517 (Ck)
Issue: Expulsion
Teera v Zumbika
[1999] JOL 5713 (ZH)
Issue: Paternity denied by the father
Governing Body of the Tafelberg School v Head of Western Cape Education Department
Reference: [1999] JOL 5733 (C) | [1999] 4 All SA 573 (C)
Issue: Expulsion
Ismail v Soubai
Reference: [1999] JOL 5857 (C)
Issue: Fathers rights to their children
S v Mogomane
Reference: [1999] JOL 5418 (B)
Issue: Trial of a minor
B v B and Another
Reference: [1999] 2 All SA 289 (A)
Issue: Maintenance of a child
Phillips v Manser and Another
Reference: [1999] 1 All SA 998 (SE)
Issue: Education
Greyvenstein v Clayton
Reference: [1999] 1 All SA 156 (E)
Issue: Application for maintenance
Fraser v Naude and Other
Reference: [1999] (1) SA 1 (CC)
Issue: Adoption: unmarried father’s right to consent
Setti Multilateral Motor Vehicle accidents Funds
Reference: [1999] (1) SA 1035 (SE)
Issue: Motorist duty of care in respect of children
Davy v Douglas v Douglas and Another
Reference: [1999] (1) SA 1043 (N)
Issue: Adoption – rescission – assessment
Wicks v Fisher
Reference: [1999] (2) SA 504 (N)
Issue: Custody – assess – unmarried father
Bursey v Bursey and Another
Reference: [1999] (3) SA 33 (SCA)
Issue: Duty to support post majority
Meyer v Gerber
Reference: [1999] (3) SA 650 (O)
Issue: Custody – Child’s views
K v K
Reference: [1999] (4) SA 691 (CC)
Issue: International Abduction
S v Howells
Reference: [1999] (1) SACR 675 (CC)
Issue: Best interest of child – sentencing the mother (primary caregiver)
1998 Archive
S v Mokebe
Reference: [1998] JOL 1363 (B)
Issue: Maintenance
S v Tokata
Reference: [1998] JOL 1426 (EC)
Issue: Sentencing of child offenders
S v Titus
Reference: [1998] JOL 1554 (C)
Issue: Maintenance
Mgumane v Setemane
Reference: [1998] JOL 1757 (TK)
Issue: Maintenance
Davy v Douglas and Another
Reference: [1998] JOL 1798 (N)
Issue: Access
Sati v Kitsile
Reference: [1998] JOL 1927 (E) | [1998] 1 All SA 530 (E)
Issue: Custody
Kambule v Kambule
Reference: [1998] JOL 2148 (E) | [1998] 2 All SA 278 (E)
Issue: Custody
S v Dube and others
Reference: [1998] JOL 2333 (ZH)
Issue: Statutory rape
In Re: Six Juveniles
Reference: [1998] JOL 2693 (ZH)
Issue: Orders made by Juvenile Court
Naude and Another v Fraser
Reference: [1998] JOL 2737 (A) | [1998] 3 All SA 239 (A)
| [1998] (8) BCLR 945 (SCA)
Issue: Rights of unmarried fathers
Zhaime v S
Reference: [1998] JOL 2750 (ZS)
Issue: Sex with a minor
Wicks v Fisher
Reference: [1998] JOL 3126 (N) | 1998 (9) BCLR 1199 (N)
Issue: Rights of fathers to their illegitimate children
Christian Education South Africa v Minister for Education of the Government of the Republic of South Africa
Reference: [1998] JOL 3835 (CC)
Issue: Corporal punishment
S v Nkamule
Reference: [1998] JOL 3949 (T)
Issue: Theft by minor
S v Mashaba
Reference: [1998] JOL 3885 (T)
Issue: Maintenance
S v Naryan
Reference: [1998] JOL 4132 (W)
Issue: Sentencing of a minor
Phillips v Manser and Another
Reference: [1998] JOL 4227 (SE) | [1998] 1 All SA 198 (SE)
Issue: Basic education
S v Kika
Reference: [1998] (2) SACR 428 (W)
Issue: Sentencing the custodial parent
Hlophe v Mahlalela and Another
Reference: [1998] (1) SA 449 (T)
Issue: Custody – customary law
Van Pletzen v Van Pletzen
Reference: [1998] (4) SA 95 (O)
Issue: Custody-the concept of ‘mothering’: not only component of women
V v V
Reference: [1998] (4) SA 169 (CC)
Issue: Custody and Access: best interest
1997 Archive
T v M
Reference: [1997] (1) SA 796 (O)
Issue: Adoption by foster parents – biological parents refusing consent
Fraser v Naude and Others
Reference: [1997] (2) SA 82 (W)
Issue: Adoption – consent by unmarried father
Fraser v Children’s Court, Pretoria North, and Others
Reference: [1997] (2) SA 218 (T)
Issue: Adoption – consent by unmarried father
B v B and Another
Reference: [1997] (4) SA 1018 (SE)
Issue: Maintenance post majority
1996 Archive
Chodree v Vally
[1996] (2) SA 28 (W)
Issue:Illegitimate child – Access by natural father
Bethell v Bland and Others
Reference: [1996] (2) SA 194 (W)
Issue: Custody application by two sets of grandparents
Pike v Minister of Defence
Reference: [1996] (3) SA 127 (CKS)
Issue: Child’s duty to support parents
Coetzee v Singh
Reference: [1996] (3) SA 153 (D)
Issue: Illegitimate child-custody – natural father
Van Der Linde v Van Der Linde
Reference: [1996] (3) SA 509 (O)
Issue: Custody – concept of ‘mothering’
K v Regional Court Magistrate No, and Others
Reference: [1996] (1) SACR 434 (E)
Issue: Child witness-intermediary procedure
S v Mathebula
Reference: [1996] (2) SACR 231 (T)
Issue: Child witness-intermediary procedure
1995 Archive
S v Khumalo
Reference: [199] (2) SACR 660 (W)
Issue: Child abandonment – Child Care Act
Nguza v Nguza
Reference: [1995] (2) SA 954 (TK)
Issue: Maintenance – child ‘in the care’ of someone-concept of ‘care’
B v S
Reference: [1995] (3) SA 571 (A)
Issue: Illegitimate child – Access by natural father
1994 Archive
McCall v McCall
Reference: [1994] (3) SA 201 (CC)
Issue: Factors determining the best interest of the child